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  • Writer's pictureRoy

Are there people in your life and work that you would like to influence more?

People who if they would listen to you, their life would be better, your life would be better and maybe even the world would be better?

What is keeping you from increasing your influence with them? 

Often it’s being over-focused on yourself and your agenda and under-focused on them and what they are trying to accomplish. We all fall prey to this.

Most of us are on Zoom calls more now than ever before. 

Have you ever been on a Zoom call with someone and they are so busy fixing their hair or adjusting their shirt that you know they’re not paying attention to the person who is speaking? And soon you find that you’re paying so much attention to them not paying attention that you’re not paying attention either. 

The quickest way to increase your influence with people is to pay attention to them because you genuinely care about and are focused on what is important to them. 

Andy Stanley encourages people to ask the simple question “What can I do to help you?” 

I’d like to challenge you to ask someone that question this week; "What can I do to help you?” 

If you do, you’ll increase your lead. 

Comment how it goes in this post and you could win some great FREE STUFF if you are picked as the #JustDidIt winner of the week!

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