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  • Writer's pictureRoy

Can you grow stronger through the COVID-19 crisis?

Welcome to My name is Roy and I have been leading people and organizations for ALMOST 40 YEARS!!!  Seriously, I counted and it’s been 38 years and 8 months, but "ALMOST 40 YEARS!!!” sounds so much more impressive.  ⁣⁣


I’ve lived and led through ⁣⁣

  • 7 major strokes⁣⁣

  • 9/11 while living in NYC⁣⁣

  • a 9.2 earthquake⁣⁣

  • a Cat 5 hurricane⁣⁣

  • and now COVID-19. ⁣⁣


I’ve grown personally through each crisis and I’d like to share with you how you can grow as well.  ⁣⁣

⁣⁣ is a weekly 60 second video in which I will explain, illustrate and help you apply one clear, simple leadership principle that you can begin to practice immediately.⁣⁣


To give a sense of gravitas to each video I will quote someone smarter than myself, which (given those parameters could include) ⁣⁣

  • Winston Churchill⁣⁣

  • Harriet Tubman⁣⁣

  • Jesus⁣⁣

  • Steve Jobs⁣⁣

  • Solomon⁣⁣

  • 3 African Grey Parrots ⁣⁣

  • Most dolphins⁣⁣


Of course it's your choice, but if you will invest those 60 seconds to watch the weekly IncreaseYourLead video, and if you choose to practice the principle in the week that follows you will move forward⁣⁣ in this race we call life. If you comment at www.increaseyourlead.comthe results of applying the week’s principle you could with the #JustDidIt award and even win some great free stuff!⁣⁣


Mark Twain said "The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and starting on the first one."⁣⁣


if you Increase Your Lead even by just one small step, It can make all the difference.⁣⁣

#IncreaseYourLead⁣⁣ ⁣⁣

#YoungLeaders⁣ ⁣⁣






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