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  • Writer's pictureRoy

Do you know how to support those who are facing injustice?

QuoteCred: Lyn Masslieno

I would like to better understand what you have experienced. If there was a time your were treated unjustly or disregarded because of your race I would like to buy you a cup of coffee and and hear your story (in person if you live in the Panama City, FL area or via Zoom if you don’t). I believe I have experienced racism once (and I had to travel 27 hours on 3 planes for the experience. If you share your story with me, i’ll share mine with you. Just DM me or email me at

Try the suggested experience below this week and comment.

🏃 I will email to schedule a time that i can share with Roy personally a time i was treated unjustly or disregarded because of my race.🏃‍♀️

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