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  • Writer's pictureRoy

I have a dark secret. My dark secret is in my garage.

In fact my dark secret is my garage. 

I guess you could say that I've allowed my garage to become a little shall we say “cluttered." A few weeks ago I noticed shall we say an “aroma.” My first thought was that one of those mice trained to navigate out of mazes had wandered into my garage looked around and immediately hung themselves.

Apparently several weeks ago while trying to find something in my garage freezer I lost a package of ground beef in in the chaos of my garage.  This package of ground beef decomposed to the point that if the plastic seal was ruptured the US military would immediately go to Defcon 5 and scramble fighter jets to bomb my garage.

Research done by Princeton University Neuroscience Institute found that physical clutter competes for your mind's attention and makes you less productive and creative. This is true regardless of your personality.

I'd like to challenge you to join me this week to declutter something. Maybe it's a drawer. Maybe it's a room. Maybe it's your car. Maybe it's your garage. Even decluttering a small space would be progress and that would increase your lead.

QuoteCred: Princeton University Neuroscience Institute

Try the principle below this week and comment in this post. You could win some great FREE STUFF if you are picked as the #JustDidIt winner of the week!

🏃This week I will declutter ___________________ 🏃‍♀️

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