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  • Writer's pictureRoy

Is your fear keeping you from helping?

I went for a run in a park in Washington Heights in upper Manhattan (and I should air quote “run” because I am an old fat guy).  I happened to run past a lady who was pushing a cart up the hill I where I was running. 

She was kind of struggling as she pushed and I thought to myself that perhaps I should go back to help her.

But then I thought, “I haven’t lived in New York City for several  years and I don’t know how a New Yorker might react in a situation like this.  She might think I’m trying to steal her stuff… and what if she pulls a knife on me?"

But then a little voice in my head said, “JUST SHUT UP AND HELP HER!” And so I did.  And she said, “OH GOD. THANK YOU!” 

The Apostle John (one of those twelve guys who hung out with Jesus a lot) said, “Perfect love has no fear.”

My challenge for you today is to find something you can do to help somebody that you might naturally hesitate to do…

and just do it.  

If you do that today you’ll increase your lead.

Comment how it goes in this post and you could win some great FREE STUFF if you are picked as the #JustDidIt winner of the week!

QuoteCred: The Apostle John

🏃This week I will help someone even though I’m hesitant to do so 🏃‍♀️

Comment how it goes in this post and you could win some great FREE STUFF if you are picked as the #JustDidIt winner of the week!

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