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The secret to finding joy when you’re struggling.

I think we're all struggling in some way right now. I’ve lived and led through 9/11 while living in NYC⁣, suffering 7 major strokes⁣⁣,⁣ an earthquake⁣ that registered 9.2 on the Richter scale⁣, a Cat 5 hurricane⁣⁣ and now COVID-19. In every one of those crises this has been true; the best way to maintain a joyful positive attitude when your life really sucks is to find a way (while you’re struggling) to help others. Ken Blanchard said “If you focus on using your time and talent to serve others that's when truly meaningful success can come your way.” Of course the challenge is to figure out how to find a way to help people when your primary purpose in life is currently to avoid them. Recently a friend gave me the idea to leave handwritten notes on my neighbor’s doorsteps asking them to call me on my cell if they needed (or knew anyone who needed) help with anything. I haven’t had anyone call for help but I have had neighbors tell me (while shouting from the recommended distance of six feet) how much they were encouraged by the offer. I’d like to challenge you this week to find a way to help someone else (even though you’re struggling). If you do, you’ll increase your lead. Comment how it goes in this post and you could win some great FREE STUFF if you are picked as the #JustDidIt winner of the week!

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May 03, 2020

That's fantastic Angela! Thank you for sharing your experience. I find what you described is a very common pattern in my life.

1. I see the opportunity to do something to help someone else

2. I don't want to help someone else

3. I push through the fear or inconvenience or sacrifice to help someone else (not as much as I'd like but increasingly more often)

4. I am sooooo glad I pushed through the obstacle to help.

Number 3 is where everything is won or lost for me. If I can remember my "I don't want to" obstacle is usually very brief and consistently leads to joy it really helps me to push through and be helpful.


Apr 28, 2020

I was able to apply your challenge of the week yesterday evening. As I am working on being more self aware and as a result, less selfish; I helped someone with a difficult task they were having trouble completing. I really didn't WANT to do it and in fact wasn't even sure I had the ability to help in a way that made a difference. My being available and agreeable blessed someone else and in turn blessed me and created a growth moment for me. Thanks for the challenge! I am better for it!

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