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  • Writer's pictureRoy

This one quality most accurately predicts your success.

This one quality is the most accurate predictor of your success in every area.

Where I live in Panama City it has been almost two years after hurricane Michael hit. Our family was one of the 7,000 that had to replace our roof. We sent our insurance company the roofer’s estimate that was of course $2,000 higher than the check the insurance sent.  

Two weeks after my request for my insurance company to make up the difference they sent a check...

...for 18 cents.

I sent an email. No response. 

I communicated through their website. Nada. 

I left a voicemail message (that sounded much nicer than what I was thinking when I left the message).  Nothing. 

Total fail.

Winston S. Churchill said “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” So I continued communicating every 3-4 days and finally on day 37 my claims adjuster answered the phone and they sent me a check for $2000. 

What if you tried to resolve something that’s unresolved in your life just four more times? 

Don’t get angry.

Just persist.

You might increase your lead.

QuoteCred: Winston Churchill

🏃I will try to resolve this issue by ____________________ four more times 🏃‍♀️

Comment how it goes in this post and you could win some great FREE STUFF if you are picked as the #JustDidIt winner of the week!

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