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This will help you go further faster AND  enjoy the journey!

I recently stayed with my family at an Airbnb in West Virginia. I didn't meet any "mountain momma's" while I was there (which was actually quite a relief) but I did discover if you want to start a fight on the internet all you have to do is state that you believe the song "Country Roads" sung by John Denver is about West Virginia rather than the western part of Virginia. Who would have thought it was so easy to start a fight on the internet?!!

During our stay we found out that when the Airbnb owners purchased their hunk of land on top of a mountain it was filled with rocks. Big Rocks! They could have paid tens of thousands of dollars to have the rocks removed, but they decided instead to adapt to the rocks that were already there in a way that made their original plans even more spectacular!

Does working with some people sometimes feel a little like you're trying to work with a bunch of rocks that are obstructing what you’re trying to accomplish?

John Maxwell says the art of leadership is finding where people are, and then taking them where they would like to go in a way that will also help you achieve your goals.

What if you took some time to ask questions and listen to the dreams and goals of some of the "rocks" you’re working with and see if there’s a way to adapt that will fulfill their dreams and your plans?

If you do it will increase your lead.

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