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What if you could increase your intelligence by more than 100 times in the next 60 seconds?

What if you could increase your intelligence by more than 100 times in the next 60 seconds?  What if the increase involved a loquat tree?

I have a loquat tree and most of the fruit gets ripe at the same time (which in my opinion is basic design flaw in most fruit trees). My parents taught me as a young boy that I should never waste food citing all the hungry children in Africa as a motivating factor for me to eat my Brussel Sprouts.  Apparently my parents had not done a lot of research on what motivates 2nd grade boys.

On a side note, my parents eventually moved to Mali West Africa; my dad as an agricultural missionary and my mom as a nurse.  And I assume to deliver all those Brussel Sprouts I never ate.

But back to all those loquats that I can’t let go to waste. One morning my wife suggested that I take a bunch of loquats to work to share with my co-workers. To which I said, "That is the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard!” Because I am not a complete idiot I said this silently in the privacy of my own mind.  

Because you see, the loquat is the snow crab legs of the fruit family. A lot of work for just a little food.

But on this particular morning I decided to resist my immediate natural resistance to my wife's suggestion and so I took a few loquats to work.  There were only 2 of my co-workers in the office that particular day and so just before lunch I announced I had brought loquats to work and I was willing to share!

I warned my co-workers that if they took my up on my very generous loquat offer they would do a lot of work for just a little loquat and our adventure would end with all of us doused up to our elbows in loquat juice.

Amazingly they said “count me in!” And so for about 15 minutes we had a serious bro-bonding loquat lunch. It was great!

I was reminded how important it is to refuse to resist suggestions just because they oppose something I’ve already decided (even though the decision might even be unconscious).

Bruce Lee said, "A wise many can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.” Or in other words (specifically the words of Solomon), "Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights."

What if you set a reminder on your phone  at the beginning of every day for the next week to try to stop and consider for just 120 seconds the benefits of a suggestion that you are tempted to automatically dismiss?

I’m not proposing you do what was suggested but to take two minutes to think about the suggestion.  Maybe it will reshape what you would naturally do or maybe it will stimulate a totally different idea. But what what I promise you it will do is increase your lead.

QuoteCred: Bruce Lee

🏃This week I will set a daily reminder to consider a suggestion I would normally dismiss 🏃‍♀️

Comment how it goes in this post and you could win some great FREE STUFF if you are picked as the #JustDidIt winner of the week!

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