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  • Writer's pictureRoy

Would you like to avoid diminishing energy or even burnout?

I filmed last week's IncreaseYourLead video on Panama City Beach.

If you Google Panama City Beach it is often described as a "Spring Break Destination" which is secret code for a place where college students go to do ridiculously "hold my beer and watch this" level stupid things.

Now in the past few years the beach has become much more family oriented but it is usually still a very, very busy beach.

But the word I would use to describe it as I filmed the leadership video is serene. Why?

Because it’s early in the morning.

The business periodical Fast Company reports "Because the head and body are level during sleep, your brain receives more body fluid, making your brain optimal for performing in the hours immediately following waking up."

Or in other words, our brains are literally, physically bigger when we first wake up

Jeff Bezos of Amazon fame said simply: “Go to bed early and wake up early. The morning hours are good."

It was written in the gospel of Mark of Jesus (arguably the most influential leader in human history), "In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there."

I ask you where other than can you find leadership training that quotes Fast Company, Jeff Bezos and Jesus all in the same post?

What if you went to bed early enough once this week that you could get up early enough the next morning to spend an hour in alone in a secluded place to think or pray (or even better to think AND pray) about the best steps of action you could take to resolve the most challenging obstacle in your life right now?

Then schedule yourself to take the first step in the next few days.

If you do, you'll increase your lead.

QuoteCred: Jesus andJeff Bezos

Try this week's principle (see below) and tell us how it went in the comments and you could win some great FREE STUFF if you are picked as the #JustDidIt winner of the week!

🏃This week I will ask the two questions below about a problem I'm facing. 🏃‍♀️

1. What do I need to accomplish really?

2. Is there a different way to accomplish it?

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