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Would you like to get smarter instead of stupider?

A study of more that 3,200 twenty-five year olds over a twenty-five year period, found those who watched more than three hours of TV performed poorly on some cognitive tests.  A study done after COVID-19 found the average American is spending eight hours a day watching TV. THAT'S A FULL TIME JOB! And that’s assuming they take the weekend off from their rigorous commitment to binge watching.

I have a suggestion based on my extensive research of a wide sampling of me.  I am hoping this will slow my personal journey toward stupidity. In addition to NOT WATCHING EIGHT HOURS OF TV A DAY, I have begun asking myself this question two to three times as I watch a show from the mind numbing wonderfulness of my recliner;

 “What can I learn from this?”

For example, I learned in a recent NCIS episode, right after the dirty cop shot himself before Gibbs and his team broke into the room that “Small compromises in the beginning, end in ruin.”  In fact this is what you can learn from 26.4% of all police procedural dramas.  The bad guy starts by not giving back the extra thirty-seven cents the cashier at Walmart mistakenly gave him and he ends up with the most brutal drug cartel in Mexico using four truckloads of C-4 explosives to turn him and everyone in his zip code into a small grease spot in suburbia.

Solomon said “the wise man is always learning.” 

This week engage your brain while you watch.  Ask the question “What can I learn from this?” two or three times during a show you’re watching.  If you haven’t sprung for the rich man’s version of Hulu yet, the commercials are a perfect time to do this.

And who knows, you might increase your lead.

Comment on how it goes in this post and you could win some great FREE STUFF if you are picked as the #JustDidIt winner of the week!

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